Article Title
The article title should contain your primary keyword. The title should contain between 4-7 descriptive words, possibly applying a tertiary keyword if phonetically correct and contextually relevant.
Keyword Saturation
Distributing the correct amount of keywords throughout an article provides the proper keyword saturation; if you over saturate, search engines deem the content spam and if under saturated, deem the content irrelevant. Balance is the aim.
The content should be written with personality and intrigue, aimed at readers, not search engines. Articles’ relevancy and credibility increase over time as readers visit…and stay. Try to create “sticky” content.
Link Baiting
Keyword Research
Articles should be at least 500-600 words but no more than 1000 words. Primary keywords should be mentioned no more than 15 times total, secondary terms should be mentioned as part of the primary term if possible and mentioned no more than twice , and tertiary terms no more than once.
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