
Thursday, June 30, 2011

On Page Optimization (Optimisation) Tips

Defined: On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.

On-Page SEO Checklist

·      Always start with keyword selection, research and testing :- when we doing a on page optmization our first step is proper keyword selection and keyword must related to the site and their content and their services there are many online tools available such as google ad word keyword tool, word tracker, submit express etc, and that tool suggest us keyword weitage so its easy for us to choose proper.

·      Meta Tag :- Meta tage is a big factor for crawler. There are three things including in it Title Tage, Meta Discriptio and Meta keyword..Title tage and meta description is more important than meta keyword for crawler because crawler give more priority to this two things so we create proper title tag and meta description and put key word in title and description if we put it in this so that this also helps for ranking on those keyword...example  if we provide web design service. So we create title like this Get Website design service from website design company.

·      ALT tags :- Alt tag is useful things for users if we put alt tag on image than if image cant load proper so users cant able to understand that. if we put alt tag so that users can easily understand what the image saws and alt tag is also beneficial for SEO because we  put keyword in alt tag its helps us  for maintain keyword density and google cant able to read image properly so if we put keyword as a alt tag so google gives priority to those keyword and we get good rank on those keyword in ranking.
·      H1 tags :- There are h1 to h6 tags are use in SEO. Give proper Tag on heading in our contain google give more priority to h1 tag so we should give h1 tag to our targeted keyword.

·      URL structure :- when we create url structure we need to this things keep in mind (1)create no more than 3-5 words (2) Keep it Short no more longer because short url is better according to google, (3) Descriptive url are Better than Numbers,(4) Dashes are better than underscores (ex is better than )

·      Internal linking :- When we doing on page optimization we put internal linking in website we put link on anchor text of related pages its useful to users and crawlers both of them.
·      Content :- Content is a very important thing. When we doing on page optimization we first notice one thing that content should be unique and ignore duplicate. And need to change frequently, than Concentrate on the title because title tag is one of the most important factor when Search Engine is looking at your page so put proper heading on title, keep keyword density in content, and content is also must related to the site or their services. And put internal linking and bold tag, italic age, title tag etc.

·      Keyword density :- Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage. It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines ( Total Word of Content/ Keyword = Keyword density) it should be 3 to 7 % in the web page.

·      Create Xml Sitemap :- Online tool are available we can easily create xml sitemap with the help of google which provide us online xml sitemap generator tool. Xml sitemap is very useful to crawler because xml sitemap display all the site page in one page so that crawler can easily get the information of all site page through XML sitemap.

·      Google Webmaster Setup :- Setup webmaster for site if we setup that it saws all the site information such as broken link, keyword position and their click and impression, internal linking, we also remove url form webmaster, we also found duplicate meta form webmaster.

·      Google Analytics Setup :- Set up analytics for site it saws us all the traffic or visit or page views and absolute visit, unique page views, bounce rate, map report, referring site information, browser information mean through which browser user came on our site. and many other.

·      Robots.txt :- Robots.txt is very important factor. When a search engine crawler comes to your site, it will look for a special file on your site. That file is called robots.txt and it tells the search engine spider, which Web pages of your site should be indexed and which Web pages should be ignored. The robots.txt file is a simple text file (no HTML), that must be placed in your root directory, for (example:

Avoid common on-page SEO mistakes such as:

·      Duplicate content :- When we doing on page optimization we be careful about duplicate content because its harmful so avoid it and choose a  proper unique and related to site content.

·      URL variants of the same pages :- The problem is that sometimes several URLs can represent a single web page. This can create duplicate content issues that result in pages that do not rank well so avoid it.
·      Duplicate title tags :- The same thing that we saw in duplicate content. Avoid duplicate title tags because it effects a lot in rankings. if we use same title for two pages than google think its a same page or google cant give priority to title tag.

Do not use on-page SEO spamming tactics such as:

·      Hidden text
·      Hidden links
·      Keyword repetition
·      Doorway pages
·      Mirror pages
       ·   Cloaking


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