
Friday, February 17, 2012 redirecting to Country specific Url's

Many of you have found out that Blogspot blogs are redirecting its top level domain to country specific URL, also known as “ccTLD”. You can read it in detail in Blogger Help, here I’ll let you know the jest.

Points to know regarding this change:

1. Duplicate content issue is the 1st thing we notice in this case. However Google is stating that "rel=canonical" tag will be used across all country level extensions and their team is trying to make less negative impact on search results.

2. Google will receive so many requests to remove content from few blogs. So they would like to manage country wise removal of content. Few countries may not accept some content, but other countries will. Through this latest update, Content removed as per a country’s law will only be removed from the relevant ccTLD and available for other countries.

3. Custom domains will not see any affect. Free blogspot sites will just redirect to country wise extension, remaining all same.

So what is top level domain?

In short, suppose you blog at So your top level domain is com. What Blogger is doing is that they are redirecting this top level domain to “country code” specific URL. So if you are reading this blog in US it will be, if you are from Australia, it might get redirected to and if you are from India it will get redirected to However, I came to know that it is for India only but Blogger Help page is also giving signs that it might come into effect to other countries too.

How to stop this Blogger URL redirect?

Sadly, it’s not possible if you are blogging using Blogger. It’s a global change and there are no permanent ways except of having a custom domain. However, if you are the reader then you can stop this redirection by adding /ncr at the end of the URL like this:

This “NCR” stands for “No Country Redirect”.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Connect Your Google AdWords to Google Analytics Account

Before you start, make sure that the Google account you are using has administrative access to your Google Analytics and AdWords accounts.

Let’s start:

1. Sign in to your AdWords account at

2. Click on the Reporting and Tools tab.

3. From the drop down menu choose Google Analytics.

4. To apply the cost data to your Google Analytics account with AdWords account you need to use new version of Google Analytics. Click on the New version link which you can find at the top right.

5. Click on the gear icon at the top right.

6. Click All Accounts link at the top left

7. Choose the Google analytics account you want to link with the Google AdWords account and click on it.

8. Click on the Data Sources tab.

9. Click on the AdWords tab.

10. Click on the Link Accounts button.

That’s it! Now your Google Analytics account cost data is linked with your AdWords account. Hope this helped everyone out..!!!